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“I am an Aloken, hidden in the Eternal Forest no more. Demons beware my spear!”

Aloken is a class that deals stable damage and help allies with spells that raises the power. This class uses spear to deal melee damage and also have several skills to attack effectively and survive. The Guard Arms Alokens use protects themselves and raise vitality. They can also detect twin summoner's hiding skill. Unlike Segnales' buffs, Alokens can use spells as many times the want, not effected by time. There is 2 types of spells, attacking spells and defending spells. Attacking spells are those that randomly takes effects when attacking, and raises the attack of own self or party members. Defending spells are those that randomly takes effects when being attacked, and reduces the damage or raise the resistance or recovery rate.

“I’m a son of Shumatra Choi, the hero of the Trieste continent!”

For Azure Knights, there is [Protective Knights] that mainly uses one-handed weapon and shield, and [Destructive Knights] that mainly uses two-handed weapons. Also, dual weapons can be used to deal more aggressive assisting skills. [Protective Knights] uses benefits of wearing a shield to protect own self and even the party members from the threat of enemies, and this is based on the elaborate defensing ability. And to add, not only to mention increasing the morale of party members to maximize the combat capabilities but also has skill to focus the party's target to one enemy, lets the Knight play the role as the leader. [Destructive Knights] shows the aggressive style with two-handed weapons. They have benefits to deal pre-emptive attacks based on the skill to approach the enemies quickly. And also becomes a threat to enemies with stun, destroy and shock skills with heavy weapons, that deals effective damages to wide range. The heavy weapon has slow attack speed, but it is still worth to use. Dual types are able to use the effective assisting tree. It is characterized with the fast and most glamorous from the skills that Knight class has.

“Warriors! Who is the common foe-”

Bagi warriors has strong health and buffs that strengthen the body, which makes them the class that defends the front line. Bagi warriors have special ability to absorb damages that party members get, and change it to raise attack. They are strong against magic, and have special skills to resist every status disorders for a while. They also have last surviving skill to raise their resistance to the limit at the last minute when their life is near to end. Martial arts using their body and gauntlets are not only effective for interpersonal but also for wide ranges. They can control the cooltime of their enemies and knockback them to disturb their fighting rhythm and counter attack.

“I am a messenger of the Incar.”

Incar Magicians shows the powerful magic damages based on 3 elementals, fire, ice and lightning. Energy skill tree also gives buffs and usable status disorder skills. Magicians can use wand or staff, the one they prefer. Unlike other classes, the selection of weapon doesn't effects the skill tree they are able to use. Energy tree skills have buffs that escalates own abilities, and some can even raise abilities of party members. There is also a skill magician can avoid every attacks with a barrier, and can expel an enemy making them not to do a thing. Energy skills are effective as enemies can rarely resist it. Fire elemental skills mostly make the enemies burnt. Burn enemies and decrease health status, and the damage is highest between 3 elements. Ice elemental skills freeze enemies and make them hard to move. Makes the enemy and area into ice status and gains synergy. Lightning elemental skills are based on transfer and shock, which raises the elemental attack or drops the elemental resistance. It is also good to deal combo attacks with other elemental skills.

“Black Magic - Call it what you will. I’m just a Summoner because I like the power.”

Vicious summoners do battles based on summoning. There is 2 types of weapon that summoners use, staff and twin swords. Spell based summoners uses minions called Chakra to fully control an area. There is 2 types of Chakras, one gives you buffs and the other debuffs the enemies. Also spells specialized with poison, even debuffs your enemy or summon allies in danger, and can cure the curse status disorders. Melee attacking summoners has hiding skills to approach enemies effectively. Also the twin swords helps the summoner effectively batter enemies and summon instance minions that has debuffing abilities. These summoners even has a skill to teleport to an enemy or ally in sight, which makes summoners be able to hit and run.

“I will let you come close, but not too close.”

Segnale is a class specialized to heal and curse. It's the only class that has HP and shield recovery skills, which makes the class essential in a party play. The class has several healing skills that can be variously used depending on the situation, and also has several buff skills that can raise the attack of the party members. Also, Segnale is the only class that can resurrect others and even own self. Segnale's curse skills are specialized on debuffing the enemies. The skill drops attack and defense and other various status, and even can make someone fall in sleep to prevent them to fight. Also this class has skills that nails an enemy making them not able to move, and drops the recovery rate. They have effective debuff skills which you cannot imagine from the healing class.

“It’s simple. I look at only one point when aiming at my target. I am never distracted. I am unseen, as I am only the arrow.”

There is 2 types of Segita Hunters. First is the Missile type that uses Bows or Crossbows, and the other is melee type that uses Dagger as the weapon. Bow and Crossbow has specialized skill trees, separated from each other. The Bow skills are based on the rapid fire. Each arrows can be weaker than crossbow, but the rapid fire recovers this. Crossbow skills are based on the strong damage. Crossbow is slower than bow, but each bolts deal great damage. There is missile skills that can be used no matter what you use between bow or crossbow. These skills drops the movement speed of enemies, and drops the defense that helps to benefit from missile attacks. Daggers are usually preferred by low and mid level hunters. The fast attack speed and high damages helps the growth of the beginning

Dekaron Classes


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