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What is the Mode for Party ranking

Character Level  Rank
91~99  F
100~114  E
115~130  D
131~144  C
145~159  B
160~170  A
171~  S

- Party to Party mode which support 2:2, 5:5
- Member: 4PPl(2:2) / 10PPl(5:5)
- Duration:10Min
- Condition for winner: beaten all members

Request to enter the map

2. Laurenson is the NPC to start battle
As you put your request it leads you mode for party ranking.(2:2-5:5)

3. The upper left side on mini map shows up ‘P’ which means your request have accepted.

1. Round2 : ‘aim the sword for revenge’ means mode for party ranking

4. You have been ready for battle, Also you can click the cancel button Whenever you want to cancel it, in this stage.

Party Ranking map

Game procedure and rule

Party ranking map will appear after matching is over.
Team will be divide into Red vs Blue and color effect will be added under character’s foot. Each team will be given 60 second to prepare to fight and entrance will be sealed after the waiting time is over.
Players can see the dashboard after the game starts, which shows opponent’s life bar and shield.

Refers current shield status

Refers character’s current HP status

Refers that character is not in battle field

Refers that Player is dead

Total battle time limit is 10 minutes and after time over will be determine winner by a number of Player from each team. (*Same number of each team mate will determine as draw)

Party ranking score

You are able to earn party ranking points by playing party ranking mode. It will be used for party rank and Colosseum total rank.
Party ranking scores will be determined by 3 things.
- Win/lose
- Number of Player attendance
- Number of kill

How to earn P Coin

Players can earn P coins by playing Party ranking mode.


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