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What is Battle Royal?

Battle royal mode is survivor game that you fight until game remains last one survivor which is survivor PvP mode that indigenous to Dekaron.

Character Level  Rank
52~75  H
76~90  G
91~99  F
100~114  E
115~130  D
131~144  C
145~159  B
160~170  A
171~  S

- Maximum occupy: 16 players
- Rounds : 1~4rounds.
- Time limit per round : 2min 30sec.

- Winning goal : Fight until last player survives until end of game..

How to request

2. Users can apply to join into Battle Royal from Leonard NPC(applying to Battle Royal)

3. After applying the battle, massage will pop up just like this image.
This massage is telling players that application has been successfully done and you are free to cancel this if players click cancel button.

4. Steps of Battle and rule
A. Players are able to get into the battle field after 16 players fill up. After players finish entering to battle field, players will locked into the cage in random place to prepare for battle themselves.(Time limit: 60 sec)

1. Colosseum’s “First round : Prologue of chaos” is Battle Royal mode.

B. Sfter players got out from cage, the real battle will began.(Round 1) All of players will get curse “Debuff”. This curse remains 150 second and will be dead after the spell.

C. How to dispel the curse
If Player kills the other Player, curse will be gone.

D.Process of rounds
Total Rounds are 1~4, and each round has achievements.
- wait until curse gets over.
- dispel the curse from all of the players.
- Those of players could not dispelled the curse will be dead and players who dispelled will survive. Only survivor will go to next round.
- Every players can go to next round if they dispelled their curse. They will go to next round right away.
- After next round starts, survivors will get curse again. They will have to fight again to dispel the curse to survive. This procedure will rotate again until last one player survives.

E. Blessing of the deceased
As you defeat the other one, the deceased’s crystal will show up. You can break it open and then randomly get the buff called the “blessing of the deceased”. ( only one user can get this)

Name of the item  Effect of the buff
Forceful sprit of the deceased  Short range/long range/magic power 5% increase
Healthy sprit of the deceased  Defense/Magic resistance 5% increase
Unbreakable sprit of the deceased  Guard percentage 5% increase
Vital sprit of the deceased  Vitality 100 increase

F. How to get the score in the “Battle Royal”
Whenever you play the Battle Royal, you can get the score which can affect total ranking for Battle Royal and Colosseum .
- Score from Battle Royal consists of 3 different fact by rank.
- The score you get.
- Amount of killed ones.
- Amount of Blessing of the deceased items.
(To check your score you have got to go to NPC ‘undo Masochiei’ in Colosseum)

G. To gain the B coin.
As you enjoy Battle Royal mode, every single round brings you a B coin and you get additional coins as you win.
By heading to the upper round it guarantees more coins.


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